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.: Data Acquisition Modules

BLE Modules

S2312: 12 channels isoalted digital input and 12 channels relay output ,BLE/RS485 interface,MODBUS RTU  
  1. 12 channels Isolated digital inputs can be configured as counter input, total 32 bits,1000Hz
  2. Total 12 channels relay output ,normal open
  3. Standard ModBus RTU protocol,same for RS485 and BLE
  4. Surge-protected and isolated Rs485 ensure reliability
  5. Standard ModBus protocol allows for up to 254 unique devices on one RS485 network
  6. A lot of spare FLASH can be used to store user’s parameters
  7. White and black encloure available ,DIN rail
  8. Can use your mobile/pad/pc control the IO modules
  9. Can change the firmware to let it work as beacon or advertising your company name in trade show
  10. Support OTA
S2312: 12 channels isoalted digital input and 12 channels relay output ,BLE/RS485 interface,MODBUS RTU  
OTA file  
Android APK  
Price: $209